Mr. Ogugha OnomarhoHead, Internal Audit

Onomarho Ogugha holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Accounting from Delta State University, Abraka.
He is an Associate member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN). He is also a certified microfinance banker (MCIB). He has over 13 years working experience spanning audit & assurance and microfinance banking.
He started his career with D. O. Odekayo & Co. (a Professional audit firm) specializing in Audit & Assurance and Tax services. He joined Addosser Microfinance Bank in 2013 as a senior audit officer. He was appointed Head of Internal Audit of Addosser Microfinance Bank in 2014.
He is responsible for providing independent and objective assurance services to the Board Risk Management & Audit Committee and management of the bank, focusing on Risk Management, Control and Governance Processes.